Why Won’t Acne Scars Fade Away?

laser treatment

Hyperpigmentation usually goes away on its own. But it’s a lot different when dealing with acne scars. To treat acne scars, your best solution is to seek professional services. Acne scars may go away after a couple of months for some people. But the chances of that from happening highly depends on the acne scars severity.

Some people have more sensitive skin, which makes the treatment of their acne scars more difficult. A normal acne scar may easily become a keloid scar, the type of scar that stretches deeper and deeper in the skin. People who normally experience this lose their hope of beautiful, smooth skin. However, these scars are gone in no time with today’s innovative technologies! One of these technologies is laser treatment for acne scars which is the most availed treatment for the said skin issue.

How can these acne scars be better avoided? By preventing them! Follow below for further information on the prevention tips we have for you.

Tips for Acne Scar Prevention

If you worry that your acne may turn into a severe scar, it will certainly help you to learn about these prevention tips. Below are some easy, helpful tips to reduce the chances of acne scarring or a pimple breakout.

Sunscreen is the way to go.

For several minutes it was healthy for the skin and the body to stay under the sun. Over the years, the ozone layer has thinned, which also harms the skin with UV sunlight. Finelines, wrinkles, and aggravated scars are just a couple of damages to the skin that are caused by excessive exposure to the sun. This can be prevented if you apply sunscreen on a regular basis, especially on the skin area more vulnerable to the sun. You may also get skin cancer without skin protection.

Don’t forget to wash your hair regularly.

It is better to tie the hair up than to leave it loose if you’re home. This reduces the probability of an acne or pimple breakout. Furthermore, if you do not wash your hair regularly, bacteria and oil that hangs over your hair can also affect the skin when it touches the face. The skin will not also benefit from hair sprays and hair gels. Make sure you wash your hair immediately, so you don’t get to your facial skin with the chemical substances and block your pores.

Popping and touching your pimples is a NO NO.

Popping pimples can be very tempting, particularly dry ones. Young people tend to touch and pop their pimples due to a lack of pimples and acne knowledge. They don’t know how popping a pimple can potentially lead to a much worse skin problem in the future. Popping the pimple only deepens the infected substances into the dermis, leading to inflammation. There is always a possibility of an acne scar to develop when there is inflammation on the skin.

Limit your junk foods intake

Foods that contain high quantities of sugar and salt are regarded as junk foods. Not everything is healthy for the overall health of a person. Too much junk food can only lead to diseases like diabetes and kidney disease. It affects not only the physical appearance of a person but also the overall health.

Sugary foods and drinks contain high glycemic index levels, which mainly cause pimples and acne to develop. Sadly, the majority of us consume junk food every day. Sodas, cakes, artificially tasted juices, candies and chips are an example of this food and beverage product.

What are my Acne Scar Treatment Options?

Mild scars of acne are easy to handle. They’ll be gone in weeks or a month with a few home remedies. Professional treatment is necessary in the case of severe acne scars, as previously mentioned. Before you head to a cosmetic clinic, let’s learn more about these treatments to at least have sufficient knowledge about those procedures.

Laser Treatments

Laser treatments are well-known for increasing the efficacy of collagen fibres in the skin in skin rejuvenation. The acne scar can easily be treated after a few sessions with its advanced features. Laser therapy works by removing the outside of the acne scar and also by activating the production of collagen from the inside.


INFINI is one of the new treatments for acne scar removal, which has become popular immediately. Through a needle-studded device, the treatment provides RF energy to the skin. The penetration of the skin causes the production of collagen and promotes rejuvenation in the skin. To achieve that flawless skin of which you have dreamed, multiple sessions of INFINI treatment may be required.


Dermabrasions work for deeper scars effectively. The medical professional will gently wear the outer layer through a rotating wire brush over the acne scar several times.


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