keyword research

SEO article and blog posts always play a vital role in any type of digital marketing perspectives. With this achievements come also the challenges on how they can build up the websites being entrusted to these article writers. Of course, it’s not that easy since what they build doesn’t always guarantee of the best things to the websites. So, how does a professional SEO writer can contribute its best to gain success to every firm and website? Check out some of these secrets waiting to be revealed.

Secret#1: Make the most of the keyword research.

As you start doing your content, you must have to be particular on the keywords to make sure search engines like Google sees your efforts. Check out the keywords people are usually looking for, and use it to your advantage. In writing your article, notice how many times you’re using your keyword by maling a keyword spread sheet, for instance. Also, you can also use some tools to guide you as to where you rank your keywords.

Secret#2: Consider things that people care about.

Besides writing to bring success go the website working in, successful article writersalso consider what the people want and need. In fact, they also use these people’s preferences to take advantage on boosting their sites. With their writing skills, they can introduce how their sites can help their visitors. They can persuade them what people can get from visiting their websites that they cannot experience from other sites.

Secret#4: They are familiar on the SEO basics.

In order to learn something, you must first know the basics, and that is also what professional SEO writers never forget. They still and always rely on the basics of SEO to ensure they are always on the track. You may not know everything and always on the process of exploration, but with the basics, you can never go wrong. Moreover, understanding the structures of the content ensures its efficiency.

Secret#5: They are particular on the word count.

Another thing that professional writers are particular on their content is their word count. Some search engines and SEO managers are requiring mostly 500 words on one article, but professional article writers are striving to produce more than what its required. Based on some researches, search engines tend to favor and appreciate articles with at least 2000 words. Probably it’s for the fact that the longer the content, the more informative it is and the more it will be valuable to its potential readers.

Secret#6: They are monitoring their analytical performances thoroughly.

Professional SEO writers are not just writing for the sake of producing what it is required to them. Even if they already publish those articles, they are checking how their articles benefit the website and the visitors as well. Things like the time on site, bounce rate and pages per session are some of the things that should be checked on a regular basis. For instance, a high bounce rate means that visitors aren’t reading your posts thoroughly because there isn’t something informative on your article which can result in the inability to optimize the page.

Sarah Grace Del Rosario is a business and SEO blogger from When not working online, she usually spends her time painting and doing crafts. She is also a travel junkie and has an event planning business in the Philippines.


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