Opinion articles published in newspapers, opinion clips that we see in news bulletins, or even the articles that we read on some websites like The Doe, are not considered to be fake news.
By definition, an Op-ed is a text written by someone who has nothing to do with the news platform that publishes it.
Such articles are very important nowadays. Many media organizations, blogs, and forums on the Internet began to pay great attention to this trend, which has become essential in our modern world. As a result of globalization, many people are now able to publish many of their ideas for people from around the world to see. The growth of this phenomenon allowed a diversity of ideas, enhanced critical thinking, and led to the dissemination of new ideas in societies. This was reflected in the societal dialogue, as there was a broader social and political debate among readers.
Opinion articles allow the reader to get acquainted with different points of view on various topics, whether local or international. People interpret what is happening around them after learning about current incidents, in light of the spread of fake news, and thus they can know the truth. Op-eds often help us get past the huge flow of incorrect information.
These articles create a dialogue between people, which reflects positively on society, and results in a healthy and safe environment. Thus, each political party that supports an idea will engage in a new and good discussion about the other points of view. This is what makes these articles a basic need of our world. Especially that the existence of various opinions is the first step in the democratic process. If people have the same opinion, it will threaten democracy.
Opinion articles can show us all aspects of a particular topic that has a huge impact on a large number of people. These articles are an excellent way to have valuable ideas and often ask deep questions that make the reader search for real answers to them. Without these writings, we would have agreed on many things without diving into details! This will make our opinions worthless!
Op-eds also give you the right to express yourself and show your point of view to others. Thus, your voice becomes a tool for creating an argument.
Opinions give us the freedom to practice negative or positive criticism of the world in which we live. It is a way for the writer to express his/ her feelings and desires. Sometimes it is a way for the other who reads the article to be inspired or better stimulate his/ her way of thinking.
The best thing about opinion articles is that they enable us to educate and inform as many people as possible about important topics.
After all, each of us must have an opinion on every subject. You don’t have to be afraid if your opinions change. On the contrary, this is a healthy thing that indicates the development of your thoughts. Every day your thoughts will improve, that’s for sure! Because you will experience new situations in life. Educating yourself and learning what you don’t know is definitely a great thing!