Hand Expressing Breast Milk


Hand expressing milk is extremely useful, easy to learn and free! This article has tips and videos that help you get your milk to flow and conditions that are particularly useful.


Several mothers had already discovered that it could help to “prepare” the breasts (and cause a drop) by one or more of the following ways before releasing the breast milk:

  • Warmth through the breast will allow milk begin to flow before speech
  • Holding your baby skin-to-skin or dressing lightly will help increase the level of oxytocin to induce the let-down
  • Breast massage will help to get your breast primed to release breost milk by hand by rolling and mixing, kneading and pressing with warm hands. Many moms rub the breasts with a soft baby comb. The following video from Maya Bolman (1:03) provides examples of massage techniques. Watch from 1:45 a.m. to see the technique of expressing her suggested hand; note how the fingers are behind the nipple and the helper uses one hand and then both hands.

Write here anything you want. To paraphrase, tap the right button “Quill This.”


Successful manual expression means a release of the milk and then the milk tubes behind the nipple are squeezed to release air. You should grip the tooth paste tube behind the body (you can’t squeeze the actual body to get tooth paste from the tube) and the fingertips and thumb from one (or both) hands are put around the brast behind the tube and drawn together. Either mother and check and error is exactly where to put your fingers for the best effect.


Hand gestures are not generally required when breastfeeding goes on, but can be helpful in some cases:

#1 Baby won’t latch

If an infant is not or can not latch after birth, or if mother and baby are to be split for medical reasons, colostrum (First Milk) freshly delivered can be fed by a spoon or syringe for the sake of keeping the baby well-fed until latched. Early-handed expressions — and regularly thereafter— can help future volumes of milk and encourage the milk supply as soon as possible.

Read more –  Steps to HAND EXPRESS Breastmilk

#2 Severe engorgement

If a mother has extreme attachment in the beginning of the son, surplus milk may be milked softly by the hand voicing. At this time, a pump will draw additional liquid into the region. Engorgement or blocked duct with a manual expression can also be relieved at any time. Not always pumps are a required shopping! When a mother has trouble getting her milk, see the Engorgement Relief When Milk Won’t Flow.

#3 Low milk supply

If a mother has low levels of breast milk, the extracting of both hands and the squeezing of the breasts are great ways to get her to produce milk available. While extracting and pumping together, hand expressing can provide up to 48 percent more milk 3. In this Hands-on-Pumping Video (see 5:15) the hands on pumping is described by Jane Morton MD of Stanford School of Medicine.

#4 Diabetes

If your mother has diabetes, in some clinics you practice prenatal colostrums in hand and receive them just before the baby is born. It provides a baby’s replacement if your blood sugar drops or any other problems that need to be replaced.


Breast milk delivered by the side is a successful skill for breastfeeding leadership. Side speech can help build a reservoir of food, support your infant, store breast milk and ease an uncomfortable clutch. Some informative videos are available to illustrate how to communicate.


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