Factors That Can Increase Your Website Speed And Performance

The Academic Papers UK

While searching anything on the Google, if you click on the URL of a specific website and it takes lots of time to load the pages, this website will annoy you. In a similar way, if your website is also taking lots of time to load pages, visitors will also get annoyed. As a result, they will leave your website and move to another website and bounce rate of your website will be increased. In order to provide the best user-experience to the visitors, search engines are showing those websites in their search results which have high speed and lower bounce rate. Therefore, it is necessary for you to increase the speed and performance of your website. Here, we will discuss some factors that can increase the speed and performance of your website.

Use CDNs:

CDN stands for ‘Content Delivery Network”. CDN is a set of web servers which is distributed in various locations and it is giving access to the users to view the content on the basis of their locations. On the other hand, if you are hosting your website on a single server, it will give access to all the viewers of all the locations from the same hardware. As a result, the speed of your website will be decreased. Moreover, if users are requested the data from far away from the hosting server, this thing will also last extra load on the server. On the other hand, if you are using CDN, the viewers will be redirected to the nearest server and viewers will be able to get access to the content quicker and speed of the website will be boosted up.

Move Your Website To A Better Host:

When you are going to buy hosting from a website which is selling hosting, you will get three possible types of plans. In these plans, there come shared hosting, VPS hosting and dedicated hosting etc. Most of the people use shared hosting because it is the cheapest hosting plan for a website. If you are using shared hosting for your website, it means that you are sharing CPU, disk space and RAM with other websites. That’s why the speed and performance of shared hosting are less. If you want to boost up the speed of your website, you should try to use VPS or dedicated server.

Optimize The Size Of Images:

No doubt, along with adding content in your website, it is also necessary for you to add some visual content. This visual content is helpful to you in various ways like it provides a catchy look to your website, it can increase the engagement level of your website and it can also improve the ranking of your website. Along with the advantages of using images on your website, there are also some disadvantages like these images consists of large files and these large files take more time for loading. As a result, the speed of your website will be decreased. Therefore, before using images in our website, we should try to convert these images in the next-gen formats.

Reduce The Number Of Plugins:

No doubt, if we want to add some extra features to our website, it is necessary for us to use some plugins. The use of plugins in the websites is very common. Now, the problem is that if you are using lots of plugins on your website, your website requires more resources to load these plugins. As a result, the speed of your website will also be decreased. Therefore, if we want to increase the speed of our website, it is also necessary for us to reduce the number of plugins on our website.

Minimize JavaScript and CSS Files:

If you are using lots of JavaScript and CSS files in your website, it means that you are allowing your website to make lots of HTTP requests when someone visits your website. Now, the problem is that these requests are processed individually on the browser of user and your website will take lots of time for loading. Therefore, you should try to minimize the use of JavaScript and CSS files on your website.

Use Website Caching:

If lots of users are trying to get access to your website, it will slow down the speed of your website because each page will require more time to load the pages. For this reason, you should try to use caching for your website. By using caching in your website, you don’t need to render pages over and over again for all the users. As a result, the speed of your website will be boosted up.

Author Bio:

This article is written by Chris Greenwalty who is a social media geek and working with The Academic Papers UK, often writes on different social and tech issues.


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