Did you know four in ten Americans sleep with their phone every night? It’s no surprise then that most of us aren’t getting a good night’s sleep. But have you ever wondered why?
There’s endless media coverage about blue light filters and “bedtime mode”. But the best version of “bedtime mode” is leaving your electronics downstairs.
Let’s take a look at the relationship between EMF and sleep.
What Are Electromagnetic Fields?
Electromagnetic fields are all around us. They are invisible waves that surround our planet. They’re emitted from electrical devices such as cell phones or computers.
But they can also occur in everything from power lines to hairdryers. These fields interact with living cells within our bodies. When we spend time near them, it has an effect on how well we sleep at night.
How Do Electromagnetic Fields Affect Sleep?
The electromagnetic field affects our brainwaves by changing the way neurons fire. When these signals reach the thalamus, they act as a relay station.
This station channels information between the cortex and other parts of the body. In doing so, it changes the activity level of the entire nervous system.
Suppose there is too much stimulation coming into the brain. It will not allow enough time for deep relaxation and restful sleep.
In fact, take a look at people who live closer to high-power transmission lines. They tend to experience more frequent insomnia than those farther away.
Why Is Sleeping With Electronics So Bad for You?
When we use electronic gadgets before bedtime, we expose ourselves to EMF radiation. The problem is that while sleeping, our brains release melatonin. Melatonin helps regulate circadian rhythms.
Melatonin production decreases over time. So using electronics right before going to bed disrupts normal sleep patterns.
And, most of us don’t get any natural exposure to sunlight during the winter months. Thus, our pineal gland doesn’t produce adequate amounts of melatonin either. As a result, many people wake up feeling groggy and tired.
How to Sleep With Electronics in the Same Room
For many people, leaving electronics out of the room isn’t an option. It can be anything from medical equipment such as a CPAP machine to a doctor that’s on-call 24/7. So what’s useful in these situations?
Well, the following advice applies to everyone, in fact. If you want to improve your quality of life, one thing you should do is avoid using your electronics before bed. If possible, try to go without technology altogether for a few nights.
Use this opportunity to find hobbies and interests that force you to leave your phone behind. It’s a great opportunity to join a fitness club or enjoy winding down with some relaxing music.
And, while you’re fast asleep, you can rely on using EMF protection to keep you save. Check out emf-protection.co.uk for the latest EMF detectors and other EMF equipment that’ll transform your sleep habits.
EMF and Sleep Are a Toxic Relationship
In summary, EMFs can affect human health through several means. These include disruption of cellular communication, DNA damage, and oxidative stress. Further, EMFs can also cause inflammation, immune suppression, hormone imbalance, and cancer promotion.
Research continues to explore the relationship between EMF and sleep. But there’s no doubt that avoiding EMFs whenever possible is perfect for a good night’s sleep.
Keep reading our articles for the best advice around. But if you’re reading this in bed, we won’t be happy!