Bust Out The Stress: Some Medical Aids For Coping With Stress

brainwave activities

Stress occurs when the body is not able to cope with the innumerable activities in life. People tend to do a lot of activities at one go without even taking rest. However, there are other forms of stress due to our emotions and thoughts. The important thing to change is the lifestyle of a person.

There are mental health professionals with medical techniques to help in coping with stress.  This article gives overview of some of them.

A. Neurotherapy Treatment

Neurotherapy is a medical process which aids in the change in structure and functions of brain cells. It helps to cope with issues like anxiety, stress and brain fatigue.  It is an intervention that aids in providing feedback using brainwave activities. The visual sounds and signals of the brain, known as  Electroencephalogram is used.

The EEG equipment is placed on the scalp and ears of the patient. This  central nervous system is made to regulate brain wave frequencies. Through these sessions, the dysfunctional areas in the brain are identified and treatment can be provided.

There are different types of Neurotherapy Treatments based on the method used. Some of them are

1. Hemoencephalography (HEG) –This training method helps in boosting the blood flow in the brain. As a result, the mental and emotional function of the brain improves.

2. Alpha/Theta Neurofeedback (A/T) – It is performed with eyes closed and alpha rays being generated. They are known for making a person calm and relaxed.

3. Traditional SMR Neurofeedback –SMR training is commonly used to improve the attention, focus, balance and the ability to relax.

Neurotherapy treatment has a lot of additional advantages of improved brain health, enhanced memory and concentration. They also aid in having better clarity, improved mood and redacted tencidies for impulsiveness.

B.  Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

It is a psychotherapeutic treatment that helps in the identification of negative patterns of thoughts and behaviors. The focus of the therapy is to reorient these thoughts, which lead to stress, anxiety and even depression. The methods for this could be relaxation techniques, role-playing and even blogging or journal writing.

The approaches and techniques used in these therapies differ according to the necessity. Therefore some of the different types of CBT are:

1. Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) – This helps in the identification of certain beliefs and practices of a person which are rationally illogical.

2. Multimodal Therapy- The seven different modalities are addressed in this method. Some of them are  sensation, behavior, imagery,  interpersonal factors,cognition, and biological considerations.

3. Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)-  This consists of the strategies for emotional regulations.

Unlike neurotherapy, this is a short-term treatment which can treat addictions, depressions, anxiety and panic attacks.

C. Complementary Therapies

This treatment method is used either along with conventional medicines or as an alternative. However, there is no scientific evidence of the effectiveness of this method.   Some of the common beliefs of the practitioners of Complementary therapy are that the body should be in balance to avoid diseases.A healthy and natural lifestyle should be preferred to have a wholesome effect on the body.

Complementary therapies appear to be a little risky for serious medical conditions. However, people with mild stress and anxiety can try these methods. Some of them are:

1. Yoga: Practicing yoga can  lower the blood pressure of a person and reduce the symptoms for anxiety and depression. There are various yoga asanas to help this like Sukhasana, Balasana, Ananda Balasana, and Uttanasana.

2. Aromatherapy: Research shows that the brain waves can be altered with aromatherapy.  This can balance the level of cortisol  (stress hormone) in a human body. Different scents have different effects on people and lavender is said to be highly effective for reducing stress.

3. Acupuncture: This is an ancient Chinese method where needles are inserted into the body of a person. It releases the balance and well being of a body and thereby de-stressing a person. It is an exceptional way of relaxing and calming down.

D. Ecotherapy (Nature Therapy/ Green Therapy)

This is a therapeutic treatment which emphasizes on being in more contact with nature. They suggest getting more involved in outdoor activities and talking to people. Clinical experts in ecotherapy believe that nature has the capacity to harmonise the balance in a human body.


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