A One-Stop Guide to Leveraging the Power of Facebook For Business Growth


The oldest social media platform, the popularity of Facebook has grown over the years. Today 2.4 billion people use the platform every month, and about two-thirds of them visit a brand Facebook page at least once a week. These figures establish why it is important for brands to have a social media presence and look for ways to engage their target group through their Facebook page.

From creating interesting content to communicate with one’s target group to linking your website to the Facebook page, there is a host of different options that brands can consider. The biggest advantage is all of this is free. This provides smaller brands (who have a limited marketing budget) a fairground to compete with well-established businesses.

Detailed Guide to Setting Up Facebook for Brand Marketing

These days, there is a surge of promotional video content on Facebook, and many newbies hold the misconception that merely creating videos on InVideo and sharing them on Facebook will suffice. You need to realize that for your videos to give you the results you hope for, you need to first set up your business page.

Step 1: Create the Facebook Page for Your Business

Start by logging in to Facebook with your account and then selecting the ‘pages’ option. Facebook allows you to create a page either as a brand or as a public figure. Select the former option and enter your business details before you click on create.

Step 2: Establish Your Brand Identity

Although you had logged in with your profile, you need to realize that your details will not appear on the brand’s page. You need to upload the cover and profile images separately. To establish your brand identity, try to use the business’s logo as the profile image, and stick to the brand colors while choosing the cover photo.

Step 3: Update your Page Info

Select the ‘Edit Page Info’ option and update your contact information so that it is easy for possible customers to reach out to you. Under the extra options. You may add your privacy policy, working hours, or any other relevant details. In the ‘Description’ section, briefly describe your business and what you offer in less than 255 characters.

Step 4: Come up With a Facebook Username

As a brand, you need to realize the importance of the username in enabling brands to find you on Facebook. Click on Create Page @username and come up with a search-friendly name for your Rage.

Although you can have this name up to 50 characters long, it is a good practice to use your brand name as the Facebook username. If you are looking to establish a digital identity and make your Facebook ads easily recognizable, using a consistent profile name across all social media platforms is recommended. Click here for more info.

Step 5: Set up CTA & Review your Facebook Page

The reason you are going through all the hassle of maintaining your social media profile is to catch the consideration of potential customers and give them an easy way of reaching out to you. Having a call-to-action or CTA on your brand page makes it simpler for you to tell potential customers what to do. Under your cover photo, you will find the ‘Add a button’ option.

Clicking on this will help you set up your CTA in a way that favors your brand image. As the last stage of setting up your Facebook page, to the settings section and read up on the privacy and security settings. That way, you will have complete control over who gets to view the content you post on your brand’s social media page.

Types of Content to Post

Once you have set up a business page, the next step is to engage with your audience by posting relevant content. It is a good idea to sit back and evaluate the frequency at which you are comfortable in posting content and then come up with a schedule. Here are the most engaging types of Facebook content that must be a part of your digital marketing schedule.

Video Posts

The Facebook algorithm enables videos to be played automatically in one’s Newsfeed. If you can use InVideo.io and come up with a video that has strong visual appeal, you are more likely to catch the attention of your viewers as compared to any other type of posts. If you are organizing a poll or making an announcement, try to restrict your videos to less than 30 seconds.

Pinned Post

A pinned post may be a text, image, or video that you put at the top of your brand page. That way, when a potential customer visits your page, this is one of the first things that they notice. Use this function wisely to share important news, engaging video, or raise awareness about a campaign that will prompt strangers to form a good impression of your brand.

Live Videos

Facebook was the first platform to begin the concept of Live videos and these are an excellent way for a brand to foster two-way communication with its audience. You can leverage the power of live videos to make a grand announcement, show your viewers around your office, introduce key personalities of your business, etc. That way, the viewers feel connected with your brand and you lay the foundations of a healthy business relationship.

Facebook Stories

Photos or short vertical videos (of up to 20 seconds duration) can be posted as Facebook stories. These appear on the top of the News Feed and stay for 24 hours since the upload. Over 50 million people view Facebook stories every day, making them one of the most important types of branded content.

Thus, you see that Facebook allows a lot of room for a creative expression of your ideas. If you set up the business page appropriately and post the type of content that appeals to your target group, you increase your chances of getting new customers. This leads to more sales and paves the way for the business growth that you had always dreamt of.


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