10 Warning Signs of Intestinal Problem You Shouldn’t Ignore

Sleeping Problems
Sleeping Problems

The state of the whole organism depends on the proper functioning of the intestines. Beneficial bacteria that live in the intestines contribute to the production of vitamins and amino acids. Moreover, if the composition of the microflora in the intestine changes the health of a person also gets affected.

The second most common bowel problem is constipation. A person needs treatment for this problem too. Eat right, drink at least 2-3 liters of water a day, move more, walk, and swim for better gut health.

How To Know If You Have Intestinal Problem?

It is better to identify a problem before it is too late. The following symptoms may indicate intestinal problems.

Sleeping Problems

Due to constipation, feces remain in the body and continue to decompose. Toxins enter the bloodstream, which causes intoxication of the body. Because of this, a person suffers from multiple problems.

These include headache, nauseous, weakness, and drowsiness, and the temperature of the body may also rise.

Change Of Tongue’s Color

The tongue of healthy is pale pink. On its surface, there may be a transparent coating of white color. You can easily remove it with a toothbrush. Due to dysbiosis, a white bloom appears, sometimes with a yellow tint.

It is easily peeled off, but after a while it reappears, it can lay down in a thick layer. One of the symptoms of this disease is halitosis, i.e. bad breath. The person may not feel it, but others can.

Difficulty In Recovery Process

If a person, despite spending time in an alcoholic rehab center, cannot recover properly, then this might be due to poor gut health. Due to drinking, like the rest of the body, the gut also gets affected.

In the recovering process, some withdrawal symptoms continue to sustain. Such as itching in the stomach, this is due to poor gut health. Only through proper medication, a person can get rid of this problem.

Increase In Memory Problems

Everything in our body is interconnected. If any one of the organs does not function properly, the rest of the body suffers too. We have a constant renewal of cellular structures, and this happens due to those components that enter our body. And the intestines are responsible for breaking down food.

If it does not work as it should, the body does not receive the building material it needs. It would ultimately affect the well-being of the whole body. Due to which there may be memory problems and other changes.

Stress Along With Discomfort In Stomach

Various psychological disorders, including depression, panic attacks, stress, can cause irritable bowel syndrome. This is a deviation, in which a person’s gastrointestinal tract is healthy, but the patient experiences pain, cramps, constipation, or diarrhea.

To cope with irritable bowel syndrome, you must follow a diet. Also, undergo psychotherapy, and take medications prescribed by your doctor.

Periodic Headaches

Due to chronic constipation, headaches begin that have a pulsating. The toxins accumulating in the intestines penetrate the bloodstream and then are carried throughout the body. They act on the nerve endings of the meninges, causing pain. Therefore, it is important to look after the health of the gut.

Increase In Weakness

In a healthy person, bifidobacteria and lactobacilli live in the intestines. Not only digestion but also immunity depends on them. The production of certain vitamins and minerals also depends on these bacteria. Thanks to bifidobacteria, folic, niacin, vitamin K, groups B, C are synthesized.

The body needs lactic acid for the absorption of vitamin D, as well as iron, calcium, and phosphorus. Beneficial bacteria are also responsible for the ability of a person’s immunity to resist infectious diseases.

Therefore, with dysbiosis, immunity weakens; a person begins to get sick more often. A person may develop complications, and diseases become chronic. And this, in turn, becomes the cause of weakness and chronic fatigue.

Hair Become Dry And Brittle

This is reflected in the condition of the hair; it becomes dry and brittle. Dysbacteriosis also affects the condition of the hair. Good bacteria protect the intestines from harmful microbes. If their number decreases, there are more toxins that can enter the blood.

Hair follicles feed and grow, getting the substances they need from the blood. They cannot help reacting to toxins. Due to the presence of harmful substances, the hair becomes brittle, thin, and falls out. Nails begin to exfoliate due to a lack of protein and other trace elements. This shortage can be due to both an unbalanced diet and gastrointestinal pathologies.

Difficulty To Control Emotions

Since food gets poorly absorbed, there is a lack of minerals and vitamins. It is evident from the lesser production of (happiness) hormones, including serotonin and dopamine. This is reflected in human behavior; it becomes difficult for a person to control his/her emotions. Moreover, a person also becomes aggressive, moody, and irritable. The slightest stress can throw a person off balance.

Excessive Sweating

When feces accumulate in the intestines, the body is forced to work in an enhanced mode. It needs to push the accumulated waste out of the body, i.e. spend a lot of energy. This affects the process of thermoregulation, which is increased sweating. The smell of sweat also changes.

Sweat is necessary to remove salts and toxins. If there are too many toxins, the smell of sweat becomes sour. With constipation, as you know, the intoxication of the body increases as the toxins amounts in the body.

Summing Up

The health of the intestine can affect the health of the whole body. Moreover, sometimes it can be painful. By identifying the problem early, you can cure it before it spreads in the body. Live Healthily!


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